Thursday, March 15, 2007

This is for all those people....

...who have been checking my blog, if there are any. I haven't written forever, as you can tell. My recital's over and I got a sunburn in Arizona for spring break and now I'm slogging my way through the last month of school. That pretty much brings you up to date. Oh, and I had a great conversation with a really handsome and nice guy on the bus yesterday. He even tried to invite me to go do something but I had to get off the bus before he could get anywhere. That's the most action I've seen in a long time. I'm pathetic.


Melinda said...

I have been checking your blog and I'm glad that you've written something new! Congrats on your stellar recital--you got rave reviews.
Now, go and try to find that guy from the bus! Maybe he dropped his glass slipper somewhere...

Love you lots,

heath said...

That's when you're supposed to get off at a later stop--you can always back-track! Oh well, he must not have been worth it.