So I thought I would post the news that I've resigned from my orchestral positions here. I just sent e-mails to the personnel managers of the two orchestras I have contracts with telling them I won't be returning next fall. I've been putting off making it official, ostensibly because I've been waiting to hear whether I have a job at BYU or not. I realized today, though, that staying here next year to gig would cause my soul to shrivel and wither away like the bad Nazi guy at the end Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (the actor who, as a side note, I saw play King Lear in London. He was very good.). My job at BYU is not solidified, and may never actually go through, and I don't know what exactly I'll be doing next year, but whatever I'm doing I'll be doing it in Utah and not Michigan. Not to give Michigan a bad rap (there's already plenty of bad rap coming out of this state...bad pun)--I've had lots of good experiences here and there are plenty of great things about Ann Arbor that Utah sorely lacks. Not to mention I'll have to leave Dan & Co., which will be traumatic for me. But I guess even good changes still leave you with a few pangs of sadness for things left behind. That's life.
That sounds like the opening for some new-age motivational/inspiration self-help book. I never knew I had it in me.
I'm supposed to be arranging a musical number right now for church on Sunday. We have a rehearsal at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Yikes.
Toodle-pip, as Bertie Wooster would have it.

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